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Limited to 100 businesses (41 spots left)

If You Are A Great Farmer, But Want To Be A Great Farm Business Owner. Know Your Numbers & Become A Stronger, More Profitable Farm Owner

(Normally $997/mth - Today for Just $497/mth for 12 months)
That's a total savings of $6k over the year!

BONUS 1: 2x free tickets to the TOP Producers 2-Day Workshop - attend in person or virtually (valued at $1,990).

BONUS 2: Essential Cash Flow Optimiser Pack ($1,000 value) including Farm Budgeting Guide, Business Model Analyser & ‘Navigating Current Markets’ Training

Offer Expires 20th December
Secure Your Foundation Membership Now!


Low Interest rates & high commodity prices have been helping farmers make more profit in the last 3 years than they have at any point during the previous 20 years… but that has all changed in a hurry.

The biggest challenge facing many farm business owners right now is they lack a business model that allows them to be a profitable producer in a range of market conditions.

The average farm owner in Australia has very low profitability. Rising interest rates & reduced commodity prices are seeing many farm business models tested and they are coming up short (they are standing to lose quite a lot of money next year).

Even if prices are still strong for your chosen commodity you need to start preparing NOW... the nature of commodity prices is that they revert to the mean over time and the price is ultimately set by the low cost of production producers.

You may be feeling overwhelmed right now, and that is totally normal. It can be hard to know where to start!

You may be unclear about what is driving the profit in your business or unsure of what the current changes even mean for your business next year?


The Top 20% Producers are setting themselves up to take advantage of the opportunities available right now…Are You?

They have a clear plan for their business

They are managing their risk on the downside and have a clear plan of how to capitalise on the way out

They know their cost of production for their commodities and are making tactical decisions to take advantage of the opportunities available to them right now

They know their numbers and KPI’s that help them identify how their business is performing

They know what they can control and are focussed on this

They have a winning mindset, take responsibility for their results and surround themself with a community of like-minded people who can support then to make great decisions

But we also understand, It can all be uncertain, nerve wracking and confusing to know what to do next. We are here to help.



That is what Farm Business Mastery is all about. It is a 12 month business coaching, education & implementation program that will help you get your farm business in order - don't just survive, but thrive! Getting the right model:

Your business won’t just be reliant on high commodity prices to make a profit.

You won’t be reactive to situations, you will be planning and strategising and proactively managing situations before they unfold.

You will be surrounded by a supportive community of other farmers and mentors who won’t just help you succeed - THEY WON’T LET YOU FAIL….

You won’t be reliant on others to make decisions on your behalf, you will have the confidence in your ability as a business owner to navigate any market.

Hear how Farm Owners Academy has helped other farmers just like you.

“We have put a lot of time into being really good farmers but we were never taught the skills in how to be good business owners…you can focus on what will make you happy and what will make you profit as well”

Farm Business Mastery is Designed to...

Move you from chaos to crystal-clear focus.

Transition you from uncertainty to absolute confidence.

Elevate you from basic financial knowledge to expert financial acumen.

Shift you from prolonged deliberation to swift decision-making.

Progress you from solo efforts to a collaborative team approach.

Move you from aimless navigation to a shared, laser-focused plan.

Replace haphazard time management with structured, intentional allocation.

Transform you from overwhelming stress to a refreshing sense of calm and joy.

Master how a top 20% producer thinks and unlock you, your team and your farms potential

Get A Detailed Walkthrough..

Farm Business Mastery unfolds in 3 key comprehensive components, and as a special incentive, those who invest in the discounted Foundation membership before 20th December will also receive 2x EXCLUSIVE BONUSES!

Component 1: Live group coaching & mentoring over the 12 months

$10,000 value

Component 2: Access to our Take control and Farm Financial Framework Programs (online learning)

$7,500 value

Component 3: A Farm Financial benchmark report, coach & like-minded community

$2,000 value

BONUS 1: Receive two tickets to our premier 'TOP Producers' 2-day event, with the flexibility to join in-person or stream online.

$1,990 value

BONUS 2: Our 'Farm Cashflow Optimiser' pack to help you make decisions NOW to plan, survive and then thrive this year and beyond.

$1,000 value

Unlock $22,490 Worth of Value with Just a $497 Deposit!

Exclusive Offer: Enroll in our 12-month program, usually priced at $997/month, now at a special Foundation Membership rate of just $497/month for 12-months.

Kickstart in January 2024: Secure your spot today with a deposit of $497, which covers your first month's membership. Subsequent payments of $497 will be automatically processed on the 1st of each month, starting February 1, 2024.

Risk-Free: We stand by our program's value with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Buy Now!

If You Are Eligible for the Farm Household Allowance Grant, You Can Use Your Funding to Cover The Total Cost of this Program. Simply email [email protected] and we will send through the supporting documents for your Case Manager. 


Farm Business Mastery program begins January 2024.

Join us and only pay for the first month as a deposit to secure your place as a Foundation Member for
$AUD 497/mth ($CAD 440/mth)
That's 50% off!

You will not be charged upon entering your details; we will only use this information to check for availability


For your added peace of mind, Farm Business Mastery comes with a 1-month guarantee period, in which you may cancel your membership without penalty.

Should you decide within this time that the Program is not right for you, or you cannot identify the value, we will happily refund you in full.

Component 1: Live Group Coaching & Mentoring

Month 1 & 2: Mastery of YOU

Begin the year with a clear vision and set the tone for success. Dive into our "Finish the Year Before It Starts" training to strategically plan your most accomplished year yet. With us, you won't just start the year strong — you'll maintain that momentum right to the very end.

With our guidance, you'll:

Cultivate the habits and mindset of a top-tier farmer.

Harness proactive decision-making, moving beyond reactive tendencies and delays.

Expand your comfort zone, identifying the ripe opportunities ahead and seizing them with confidence.

Tracy Secombe

Mastery of YOU Facilitator

Business owner for 36 years. Mindset coach, helping you break through your limiting beliefs and improve your emotional well-being.

Month 3, 4, 5 & 6 – Mastery of Your FINANCES

Take a dive deep into understanding your financial landscape:

Establish a comprehensive financial scorecard to decode your numbers.

Transform these figures into Key Performance Indicators for informed decision-making, whether it's short-term or long-term planning.

Evaluate the scalability and sustainability of your current business model for present and future success.

Unlock the financial strategies employed by high net worth individuals.

Adopt the mindset of a top-tier farm owner, ensuring every decision aligns with success.

Hayley Grosser

Mastery of Your FINANCES Facilitator

Farm business owner for 14 years. Rural Money Coach helping you align your mindset, energy & actions towards attracting more money & creating abundance in business & life.

Greg Johnsson

Mastery of Your FINANCES Facilitator

Over 40 years benchmarking and helping farm owners drive the profitability of their business. Greg will help you understand your numbers and get the right business model to drive profit in your business.

Months 7 & 8: Mastery of Your TIME

A significant truth: 80% of your success comes from just 20% of your actions. Many farmers miss the mark by concentrating on less impactful tasks.

Define precise goals for 10 years, 3 years, 12 months, and 90 days, then establish a robust system to achieve them.

Determine your optimal hourly rate and adhere to it, delegating tasks that fall below its value.

Recognize the tasks worth $500 per hour and prioritize time to execute them effectively.

Eliminate inefficiencies, propelling both you and your team towards peak performance.

Make time for you, your health, your relationship, your family and your friends and learn how to fit it all in

Andrew Roberts

Mastery of Your TIME Facilitator

25 years of business coaching experience. Andrew helps you get focused on the 20% of activities that will bring you 80% of your success.

Month 9 & 10: Mastery of your BUSINESS

Many overcomplicate business and life. Embrace the art of simplification for increased profitability and a joyous life.

Implement a robust organizational structure to bolster your forward momentum.

Hone the skills of effective delegation, allowing you to step back and avoid micromanaging.

Streamline your business with efficient systems to optimize time and financial resources.

Cultivate strategic thinking, transforming your business into a self-sustaining, highly profitable entity.

Jeremy Hutchings

Mastery of Your BUSINESS Facilitator

Farm business owner and business coach for 18 years. Hutch loves creating systems to help you save time, money, energy & effort.

Month 11 & 12. Mastery of your TEAM

Acquire expertise in recruitment, ensuring a steady pipeline of high-caliber candidates eager to collaborate with you.

Establish pivotal recruitment, onboarding, and management systems that foster an engaged, goal-driven, and proactive team.

Perfect the art of delegation, empowering your team to excel even in your absence.

Transition day-to-day operations to your trusted team, reclaiming your invaluable time.

Immerse yourself in advanced management and leadership techniques, recognizing that the most effective leaders often guide from the rear, not the forefront.

Sam Johnsson

Mastery of Your TEAM Facilitator

CEO of Farm Owners Academy & an experienced Executive. Sam will have you think more strategically and build a dream team who support you to achieve your goals.

Secure Yor Foundation Membership Now!

Discover How Farm Owners Academy Has Helped Benita & Adam

"It feels highly rewarding to be profitable and has been invaluable to date and will continue to be in the years ahead."

Video Poster Image

Component 2: Access to our Take control & Farm Financial Framework Programs (Online Learning)

Short Course : Take Control ($5k value)

This online module seamlessly integrates with the primary program, enriching your learning experience. Navigate through at your own pace for optimal understanding. 

It will help you get clear on what you want from your life and aid in creating a winning plan that will guide your business over the next 10 years, with a system to break things down into bite-sized projects so you can implement and move forward without feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

"I have dedicated 5am every morning to implementing what I learned for 2 years, and it as changed my life. I am fitter than I have ever been, in a completely different mindset and our farm system is so much more focused and profitable."

Jack Owen

Farmer, Central Victoria

Short Course Two: Farm Financial Framework ($2500 value)

"Enhance your decision-making for the short, medium, and long term to boost profits and accelerate wealth generation."

It is designed to improve the financial literacy needed to run a profitable farming business. It will give you a much better understanding of your numbers, KPIs and areas to focus on for improvement. 

"We thoroughly enjoyed completing the Farm Financial Framework training. We thought the information was great, very relevant and easy to follow. It was extremely helpful; and I'd highly recommend it to others."

Nadine Jenkin

Farmer, New South Wales

Delivered In An Easy To Navigate Training Platform

All learning is delivered online through our comprehensive online training platform. You can access training videos for each of the modules, as well as useful templates and other bonus resources!

Ultimate Workbooks: Apply What You Learn

Each online course comes with its own workbook that you work through at your own pace - containing all the templates, exercises, checklists, tools and step-by-step guides you need to apply your learnings directly to your business.

Secure Yor Foundation Membership Now!

You won't depend on Us. You'll depend on YOU.

Have a listen to how Bryon Kirkland benefited from getting the true financial picture of his business...

Video Poster Image

Since joining Farm Owners Academy, we got rid of a third of our farm and maintained our stocking rates, now we’re making more money than we were before.

Component 3: A Farm Financial Benchmark,  Coach & Like-minded Community

Access your dedicated Farm Owners Academy Coach, and get support from the rest of your peers via a community platform – you can ask us and the other participants any question, at any time and receive a financial benchmark

Farm Financial Benchmark

The Insight You Need To See Your Business From A Higher Vantage Point
Total Value: $1,500

X-ray your current reality

Learn how to create a Farm Financial Benchmark for yourself

Many farms never get this honest look into their businesses... and it's the insight you need to see your operation from a higher vantage point.

This clarity is everything - no more wasting time and money tweaking areas that are already working!

You'll ONLY focus on problem spots that show great potential for increased profitability.

Buy Now!


Expires 20th December

BONUS 1: 2x free tickets to the TOP Producers 2-Day Workshop (valued at $1,990)

2 days working ON your business! 

This is a comprehensive workshop, where you’ll learn how to make more money and run a better farming business.

You and your partners will (finally!) get on the same page in regard to goals, methods, and roles.

You’ll walk away with a shared game plan and sense of understanding you’ve never had before.


“The whole program has really opened my eyes… it’s exciting what lays ahead. We now want to expand and get the foundations right, so that 2, 3, 5 years down the track we can be telling a story like some of the other farmers here! The presentation has been fantastic and I can’t rate it high enough. It’s worth every minute of the time you’re here.”

Scott Golding

BONUS 2: Cash Flow Optimiser Pack ($1,000 value)

ITEM 1: Farm Budgeting Guide

The 7 step process on how to budget effectively
5 year monthly cashflow budget excel tool that you can swipe and adapt for your farm

Budget Assumption Guide

  • How to access up to 100 years of silo point rainfall data for your farm & how to use it to budget more effectively
  • What decile commodity price charts are and how to use them in budgeting and how to access them
  • An example excel file of how to simply document your assumptions that you can swipe

Budgeting vs Forecasting - understanding the difference
Profitable Framer Playbook - how to calculate the KPI’s for your business from your budget

CASE STUDY: A 90 minute interview with a successful farm owner where they walk you through their budget, how they use it and how it has helped them navigate challenging times

ITEM 2: Profit First Farm Business Model Analyser

Excel tool that allows you to test the requirements of potential enterprise options based on your labour costs and profit expectations

A tutorial video on how to use the business model tool
BONUS: Profit first Business Q&A recording with our Platinum Mastermind Members

ITEMS 3: Navigating current markets & seasonal conditions training

Recorded specifically for our Platinum Mastermind members we share with you an in depth discussion of the current meat price situations and strategies to navigate this effectively


Secure Your Foundation Membership Now!

Who this program is for

Farm Business Mastery has been created for all farming enterprises. The program is relevant for Farm Owners, anyone working in farming, or those who want to get into it.

Sheep Farmers
Cattle Farmers
Dryland Croppers
Irrigated Croppers
Egg Producers
Bee Keepers

The premier farm business education & coaching provider

Farm business coaching for growth minded farming families building capability, not reliance.

Farm Owners Academy is run by farm based entrepreneurs for farm based entrepreneurs - the recognised leaders in Farm Business Education & Coaching. For over 40 years Farm Owners Academy’s leaders have helped farmers create more profit, more control & more freedom in their farm business and reconnect with the life that they went into farming for.

An established business with a proven track record that delivers consistent results

We currently benchmark $2.8 Billion worth of Agriculture Assets each year

We employ the leading business consultants and mentors in the Agriculture space

Foundation Membership just... $497+GST per month for 12 months.

Secure your place in the first intake commencing January 2024.
Pay 1 month which will act as a deposit to secure your place in the foundation intake but also cover your first month in the program, being January 2024.

Buy Now!


Farm Business Mastery unfolds in 3 key comprehensive components, and as a special incentive, those who invest in the discounted Foundation membership before 20th December will also receive 2x EXCLUSIVE BONUSES!

Component 1: Live group coaching & mentoring over the 12 months

$10,000 value

Component 2: Access to our Take control and Farm Financial Framework Programs (online learning)

$7,500 value

Component 3: A Farm Financial benchmark report, coach & like-minded community

$2,000 value

BONUS 1: Receive two tickets to our premier 'TOP Producers' 2-day event, with the flexibility to join in-person or stream online.

$1,990 value

BONUS 2: Our 'Farm Cashflow Optimiser'  pack to help you make decisions NOW to plan, survive and then thrive this year and beyond.

$1,000 value

Unlock $22,490 Worth of Value with Just a $497 Deposit!

Exclusive Offer: Enroll in our 12-month program, usually priced at $997/month, now at a special Foundation Membership rate of just $497/month for 12-months.

Kickstart in January 2024: Secure your spot today with a deposit of $497, which covers your first month's membership. Subsequent payments of $497 will be automatically processed on the 1st of each month, starting February 1, 2024.

Risk-Free: We stand by our program's value with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Buy Now!


What others are saying...

Still Have Questions?

If you are still wondering if Farm Business Mastery is your next step? We're here to help. Dive deeper into your unique farming journey with a chat. Reach out now!

email: [email protected]

Ph: +61447 184 167