In this step-by-step Handbook you’ll find:

Strategies for becoming more resilient, including how to build your resilience over time using the ‘iceberg’ metaphor, the importance of values in decision making, and how to set stronger foundations on a daily basis

A Stress & Burnout Self-Assessment designed to help you identify how burnt out you are, using realistic criteria relevant to farm owners

Explanation of what the five phases of burnout are, with recommendations, strategies and interventions at each phase. Plus strategies for improving self-care and how this can differ for each person


Tracy Secombe

Director of Wellbeing & Best Selling Author, Farm Owners Academy

Tracy brings 30 years of business experience to her role as Director of Well-Being for Farm Owners Academy. A Bestselling Author, Personal Development & Business Coach and Public Speaker, Tracy helps you make the small shifts that allow you to increase your profits while decreasing your time working in the business.

After building many successful businesses, Tracy has found a way to serve others without sacrificing her own well-being. Tracy specialises in helping you identify the thing holding you back from your ideal health, purpose and lifestyle.

As Director of Well-being with Farm Owners Academy, Tracy works exclusively with farming leaders and families to reduce burnout, work less and on more meaningful tasks, and create the lifestyle they deserve. 

 Tracy has helped thousands of people internationally increase their wellbeing and quality of life after experiencing chronic burnout from chasing recognition her entire life. Tracy wrote about her experiences and coaching mindset in her bestselling book, From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser: Six Steps to Being Who You Are Meant To Be, which focuses on helping readers create a life that they love, experience joy and be authentic while relishing in wonderful relationships, health, abundance, and fulfilment.

 Tracy lives by the ocean in Adelaide, South Australia with her husband, three children, and two border collies.



Download your FREE The Low Stress Farmer’s Handbook NOW, and start identifying where you sit on the burnout and chronic stress scale, understand what stressors have contributed to this, and find some practical strategies and resources for building resilience, managing self-care and improving your health and wellbeing.


Hear what other farmers are saying

We've helped thousands of farm owners grow their business & enjoy a better life. Here are a few of their stories.

"To anyone considering joining, or who have seen the ads online and its piqued your interest - take the steps and make the phone call or join one of the programs and dip your toe in the water to get a sense of it.

If there is a feeling leading you to it, or any sort of interest, there is a reason for that - so follow your instincts"

Benita & Adam Bensch, FARM OWNERS

"It has honestly changed our lives and it will change our future generations' life. I know that if we implement the strategies that we have learnt through Farm Owners Academy, follow the process, and have our goals in place that we will achieve them and go beyond.

Prior to Farm Owners Academy, it was all work hard in order to achieve in life, whereas now we are working smarter. We have more efficiencies by having an amazing workman, it has really freed me up to spend time on the strategic side of the business. By having the right staff, the right systems, and strategies in place we can do that."

Cameron England, FARM OWNERS

"We can now make decisions financially based on tools and calculators on offer to us. Watching the KPIs improve dramatically quickly has been really exciting for us. Our business has just gotten stronger, and stronger and stronger!

What we are implementing now, and how that will look for our next generations of farmers coming through, it's really exciting. It's empowering knowing you can analyse the numbers, make measured decisions, not just decisions based only on your head or heart."

Ben & Kate Taylor, FARM OWNERS



Burnout and chronic stress is a real thing. We cannot be effective when we’re burnt out. We cannot be at our best when wrestling this, and we cannot lead our families and farms when this is our reality.

Download your FREE The Low Stress Farmer’s Handbook NOW, and start identifying where you sit on the burnout and chronic stress scale, understand what stressors have contributed to this, and find some practical strategies and resources for building resilience, managing self-care and improving your health and wellbeing.

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252 Playford Hwy
Kingscote SA 5223

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